All content that you can view in a page, search, or display as a list is setup as a "Content Type" in the CMS system. We break content into types to use in different displays, topics, or configurations.
Content Types:
- segment content into things like News articles, blog posts, people (for a directory listing), general pages
- allow us to control what logged in users can create, edit, or delete each type
- provide us with the ability to have special fields and layouts for each type
- have a "page" display by default - show up as a web page on the site
Content types are the base architecture of the CMS system.
Content types are traditionally just a title field and a body field, where you would name your content, and then place HTML based content into the body. This is not usually enough information for each type so fields are defined to customize the information needed.
For example:
An event field would typically need:
- Event Name (Title)
- Date (from - to)
- Event Category
- Event Location
- Description (body)
And then you probably need to adjust the display (an option in the content type settings).
Users who have roles that allow the creation, editing, or deletion of content within a content type will have just that, global access to do one or all of those.
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